Date Requested: Apr 18 2024 8:24 AM

PEPL Operational Capacity

TSP Name: Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP (TSP: 045256641)

Post Date/Time:

Eff Gas Day/Time: 11/18/2019 9:00AM

Measurement Basis Description: MMBtu

Loc Loc Name Loc Purp Desc Loc/QTI DC OPC TSQ OAC Loc Zn IT Flow Ind State County Operator OBA G/T Miles EGM Flw Cntl All Qty Avail Qty Reason

Loc - Location

Loc Name - Location Name

Loc Purp Desc - Location Purpose Description

Loc/QTI - Location/Quantity Type Indicator
RPQ - Receipt point(s) quantity
DPQ - Delivery point(s) quantity

DC - Design Capacity

OPC - Operating Capacity

TSQ - Total Scheduled Quantity

OAC - Operationally Available Capacity

Loc Zn - Location Zone

IT - IT Indicator
Y - Yes: At least a portion of the capacity being utilized at this location is interruptible.
N - No: There is no interruptible transportation service as a portion of the capacity being utilized at this location.

Flow Ind - Flow Indicator
R - Receipt
D - Delivery

State - State

County - County

Operator - Operator Name

OBA - Operational Balancing Agreement
Y - Yes
N - No

G/T - Gathering / Transmission Indicator
G - Gathering
T - Transmission

Miles - Miles

EGM - Electronic Gas Measurement Indicator
Y - Yes
N - No

Flw Cntl - Flow Control Indicator
Y - Yes
N - No

All Qty Avail - All Quantities Available Indicator
Y - Yes
N - No

Qty Reason - Quantity Not Available Reason